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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today's Special: Meet Tiny Tim

This is a 12 week old kitten.
This is a 12 week old kitten with only 3 legs.
This is a 12 week old kitten with only 3 legs that is becoming part of my family.
Any questions?

Well questions or not, I'm going to tell you the whole story as it was told to me this very morning by my peeps. Pfftt!  Let me start at the beginning...

As some of you know, I was quite suspicious yesterday because my peep was talking to our BFF for most of the day and I kept hearing things like "3 months old," "only 3 legs," and "needs a home." BFF lives in Alabama. BFF gives us things. By "things" I mean homeless, abandoned kitties in need of a good home. The last "things" we got are named Louie and Petunia. They've been my siblings for almost 3 years now and we love them very much (don't tell anyone I said that).

So yesterday, BFF contacted my peeps because there was a little kitty that desperately needed a home. For now, said kitty shall be known as Tiny Tim. It's the nickname peeps have given him. Once we meet him and get to know him, peeps will officially name him, but for Tiny Tim.

Tiny Tim is the kitten of a feral mom cat living in a colony in Alabama. He was born without a back right paw and without part of his back right leg. He would have never survived in the feral colony so a very nice person rescued him. When she took him to the vet at 6 weeks old, the vet thought that euthanizing him would be best b/c it was unlikely that anyone would want to adopt him. Alabama has a HUGE amount of stray kittens so one little kitten with special needs probably wouldn't fair too well up against all the "perfect" little kittens looking for homes. Thankfully his rescuer just couldn't bear to let him be killed. She had rescue contacts and hoped and prayed that she could find him a home even though she knew...the odds were against her.

Fast forward to yesterday - 6 weeks after Tiny Tim was rescued. He is fully recovered from his surgery (he needed to have the remainder of his back leg removed and he got his stitches out yesterday), he's totally healthy and ready to run, jump and play like the kitten he is. And his foster mom is ready to start trying to find him a home. One of her rescue contacts just happened to be our beloved BFF.  As soon as BFF heard abt the little 3 legged kitten that needed a home...she thought of my peeps. And sure enough...they were up for the challenge of taking care of a special needs cat. So, Tiny Tim is no longer homeless. He's no longer a stray. He's a part of our family now. :)

He's due to arrive here on 30 July. Until then he's staying with BFF. He's one lucky little guy! And yes, 30 July is moving day! So it's going to be a busy day for peeps, but a rewarding one. It's been many, many years since peeps have had a kitten. They always feel guilty at the thought of adopting a kitten from a shelter because kittens always find homes so easily whereas the older cats sometimes have more trouble. So...peeps never really thought they'd have a kitten again which makes this even more exciting for them. And they're also delighted that he's arriving on moving day because they're hoping to just kinda incorporate him into the lump of cats moving into the new house. Haha! Good luck with that peeps! I've got your number and I intend to tell the others what you're planning! ;)

So for now I'm going along with this. You know how it is...keep the peeps happy. As they told me all abt Tiny Tim this morning I looked at them with my big green eyes and fell over. Well played! They bought it hook, line and sinker. However, once the little tyke gets will be time to teach him the ropes around my house. No eating my food, no sleeping on my window seat etc etc etc. As long as he follows along and doesn't try any of that cute kitten stuff on me, we'll be good. But you better believe...I'll be watchin' him...



  1. That iz so grate abowt Tiny Tim coming to be your new bro, and I guess moving day iz gonna be rilly xciting!

  2. That is great news, Herbie! Your peeps are GREAT people for offering to give Tiny Tim a home. I know you'll love him just as much as you love all the other, um, gifts BFF has given you all!

    Really, I love this. Give your peeps some extra purrs from me!

  3. What an adorable bundle of joy. You treat him well, you hear, or you'll answer to me. Just please don't throw another anxiety attack about it.

  4. Oh my Gosh - I is so excited for you and your peeps dat I'm getting wiggly all over. Tiny Tim is adorable. M wants him too. You has the best peeps in the world to adopt a special needs kitty. It's so hard to think dat dear little kitten would have been put down. Now buddy - you can show him who's boss and all dat, but please, please be nice to him. I know you has it in you. I bet in a month even you will just love him to pieces.

  5. I think this is so wonderful! It makes momma cat want to get another cat, but daddy cat wont have it. I think you should name him tripawd, but don't call him tripe, that would not be nice.
    Show him the ropes, but be patient with him. I feel there is a best friend in the making.

  6. Well, first of all, I knows having new kittehs can be very annoying. But Herbie, think about it, he can be ur right paw kitteh and help you prepare food. All dat cooking seems to me u need someone u can train from da beginning. I think it's wonderful that you have such a kind hearted family! Purrs
    (signed: Smokey8 fr Twitter)

  7. OMC! Tiny Tim has the best peeps in the world and best kitteh family with all of you. What an amazing story! We must make him part of FSP, in an official capacity! He is adorable. XOXXOXO your family is amazing Herbie!

  8. Welcome Tiny Tim!

    Tell me, BFF, does he EAT a LOT? Horrors! I have heard that those kittens eat lots and lots of FOOD! He is so cute, I may have to share! MOL! Your peeps are so amazing and just stay in the sand so you can get used to the new baby walking all over you! HA! Yay for the peeps and on moving day! This is the best story; makes us all purr here! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love you, Herbie! I am Tiny Tim's first mommy, and I am so happy that he has found such a good home with a wonderful family. You will be the greatest big brother ever!

  10. Hello Herbie,
    I'm Tiny Tim's Aunt Kathy and wanted to reassure you that he is a well behaved kitta! You and your peeps are so lucky and blessed to have him as a member of your family. I'll be keeping an eye on this blog for updates.

  11. Oh what a cutie pie! I'm sure he will be the perfect fit for your family!


  12. hooray!!! it is wunnerful your fambly is taking in little Timmy.

  13. WOW you're getting a baby bro! Tiny Tim is just adorable - he's going to have a wonderful life with you & your family

  14. Tiny Tim is so cute!! I think his leg problems just make him cuter and I'm sure she will give you a run for your money wanting to play!
